
  特林机械是一家专业制造及销售印刷包装后工序设备的跨国集团公司,总部设于台湾, 于2002年6月在广州番禺新建了设备制造基地, 在香港, 韩国及广州均有销售公司, 并于2003年顺利通过ISO9001质量认证, 及CE安全质量认证,产品顺利进入欧盟体系.

  公司主要生产全面/局部UV上光机, OPP覆膜机, 自动裱纸机, 自动开槽机…等, 并代理台湾其它厂家的全自动糊盒机. 公司产品远销至世界30几个国家, 并得到各国客户的肯定与认同. 公司以”质量为本,信誉至上,持续发展,客户满意’为质量方针, 坚持质量与服务的理念, 为客户提供最完整的咨询服务及设备问题的解决方案.

  TYMI Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd. is a group company based on professionally manufacturing and selling post-print & packaging machinery with the products covering over 30 countries in the world. It was found in Taiwan with its own new factory having built in June of 2002 in Guangzhou China. It has perfect network and has got the certificates of ISO9001 and CE in 2003. There are its subsidiary company in Hong Kong, Korea and Guangzhou. For these years it always insist on high quality and good service to offer the best solution and consulting which has got the approbation from all of the customers.


  单位名称: 特林机械工业有限公司

  电  话:   886 2 2995 3832       

  传  真:   886 2 2995 8082     

  地  址: 台湾台北县三重市重新路五段609巷16号9楼


[时间:2007-04-03  来源:本站]
