
PPPE Guangzhou International Print & Pack Expo 2006

PPPE Guangzhou International Marks Printing & offset equipment Expo 2006 
  时  间:
Time: 2006年4月23-25日
April 23rd-25th ,2006
  地  点:
Place: 中国·广州新体育馆展览中心
China. the Guangzhou New Gymnasium Exhibition Centre
  Organizers/主办单位: FCE展览集团 FCE Exhibit Group 
  特此鸣谢: 韩国印刷工业同业公会
Printing chamber of Korea
Printing technology association of India 
  Co- Organizers/支持单位: 北京市印刷协会
Printing association of beijing city
Printing association of Jiangxi province
Printing association of Hubei province
Printing association of sichuan province
Printing association of anhui province
Printing association of guizhou province
Printing association of Ruian city of Zhejiang province
Printing association of Wuyi county of Zhejiang province
Printing association of Lucheng district of Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province
Printing & packing association of Cangnan County of Wenzhou city, Zhengjiang province
Packing & decoration association of Fujian province
Printing technology & packing association of all other provinces in China 
  Organizers/承办单位: 广州一流展览服务有限公司
Guangzhou First-class Exhibitions Service Co.,LTD
Zhujiang Industrial Corporation 
Exhibition profile/展会介绍


  随着国民经济的快速发展, 中国印刷包装产业也迅速发展起来,且以平均每年18% 的速度递增,每年的总产值超过 2400 多亿元。成为现代工业发展的助推剂,是最具发展潜力的“朝阳产业”。中国已成为印刷包装技术、设备、原辅材料、制品的国际生产、信息交流中心和全球最大的交易市场。


  2006PPPE-collecting the advanced technologies, explore the fashion, biggest conference of Asia
Company with national economics developing, the filed of printing and packing in China is developed quickly and increased 18 percents every year, the total value more than CNY 240 billion .Becoming the pushing factors of modern industry’s development ,and the most important , it is potential industry ! Now, China is the center of exchange information and the biggest trading market in the world!

In order to improve china's printing and packing industry, in favor of foreign and domestic corporation to explore their market, supply the trading flat for sellers and buyers to show their products and exchange their information.HK FCE exhibitions corporation and Guangzhou branch, with the organizer of international print & pack Expo 2006”.on April 23rd-25th, 2006, the centre of new gymnasium of Guangzhou. This expo deserved great supply from national business department, countries and districts like South Korea, Japan, USA, India, North America, Europe, HK, Taiwan, etc. Mainly inviting the supplier who operating print & pack equipments and assistance materials, organize activities such as product showing technology exchanging, information opening and international conference. Inviting agents, traders, end users to join and purchase, all of which could made the best conference of Asia!




2006PPPE-science Olympic of printing field, explore the most potential print market!
Guangdong province is a famous “home of print & pack” in China, is the most developed, needed, technological district in the mainland. Now, there is about 15 thousand print & pack enterprises, the total value in 2004 is more than 12 billion dollar, the intensive of industrial and effective of economics were the top in the China.

With the developing of the opening and reforming , the print & pack market was extended by government, both of this two factors attracted more and more relevant enterprises from domestic, foreign, HK, Macau and Taiwan to join in, pushes the Guangdong’s print & pack industries to fly. Guangdong will make full use of the opportunities of “9+2 district” in Zhuhai and its surrounding areas cooperation! Prompt the printing’s competitive; make efforts to make this district to be a print & pack center of the world.As the print technology and quality needed more and more lightly, At present, the old and using equipments can’t adapt the market, therefore, bring the international advanced technology and equipment; use of high-speed high-intensive print & pack equipments in every sides, make equipments exchange , it is only way for the enterprises to stand his brand, improve the competitive of their self. At the same time, make a vast market for the printing machine manufacture enterprises. 2006PPPE will invite the print & pack of technology advanced, increased or create the produce line mainly to join in, set the first considered flat for the purchaser of print & pack technology equipment in China!



2006PPPE— Best channel of international trade
With improving of technology and the development of print & pack market, print & pack equipment of will extent to the international market. Guangzhou is adjacent to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and the city is located in the middle coastwise of Pacific, connecting Northeast and Southeast Asia. It is also the heartland of the whole East Asia, bounded with Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India and other big populous countries. For the advantages of geography and economy, the international trades in Guangzhou are booming. We make the advantages of Guangzhou as a trade center of Southeast Asia and south China and make Asia become one of the most important international markets. Guangzhou has already become the strategic area where Chinese and foreign trade companies must fight for. Being richer, consumers make the Chinese poker market have a wide prospect in the fast economic development. PKE will integrate international resources to set up a platform to show the latest poker and relevant products. In a word, we create beautiful tomorrow together.



The CRM system comprehensive start,with the“Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair”interaction,the audiences organizes effectively.
2006PPPE will be an international and specialize conference that basis on middle coastwise of Pacific, connecting Northeast and Southeast Asia. The host will bring the advancer relationship system of CRM, cooperate with governments and associations, basis on print & pack corporations、merchants of printing equipments and materials、medias and resource of data of host of local, through visiting、inviting of VIP, extent at sight、media of advertisement、international cooperation etc to invite the high-quality buyer to the exhibition.


“Specialize of visitors” is primary work of this exhibition, the visitors of this exhibition will come from paper、printing、packing fields. It will ensure the effective of this specialize exhibition. It will bring the new model of exhibition also that can attribute all the visitors, and hostor will ensure all the exhibitors to get the target that improve the appearance and extend the market of products. The detail is in below:

◆ 主办单位将会同泛珠三角“9+2”区域的华南9省及港澳地区20多家纸业、印刷、包装协会,80多家专业主力媒体,整合各种传媒资源,形成宣传合力,展开全方位的立体宣传,使本届展览会各种信息传播到纸业、印刷、包装和相关领域的每一个角落,传播给每一个最终的专业目标用户。同时,掌握各知名印刷包装厂最新项目动态,全力发掘新商机,邀请相关的技术改造,扩建及拟建项目赴会参观。

◆ Hostor will cooperation with the more than twenty associations of paper、printing、packing in nine provinces of“9+2”districts of coastwise, eighty famous medias will unite to announce the information to everywhere of China and every end users. Meanwhile, get the latest moves of famous print & pack mill, to forage the opportunity of commerce, invite relevant technologies to change, expend the perspective projects to here for visiting.

◆ 主办单位将与国内外多家行业协会、权威媒体、专业媒体、网站及相关贸易机构、驻外使领馆等通力合作,宣传推广展会,并直接邮寄十万张邀请函和参观券到国内外,有针对性的邀请和组织专业采购商,全力打造我国印刷包装行业高起点、多功能、大视角的专业化、国际化和品牌化的商贸交易平台。

◆ We will devote more efforts to propagating at the same time , and work in concert with many authoritative medias, professional media , international internet site and relevant trade organization, embassies and consulates stationed abroad. We will send 100,000 inviting letters and visiting tickets. We strive to put up the best platform to have information exchanging of supply and demand of global poker trade.

◆ 由专人专时为本届展会做观众预登记工作。主办单位将免费为前3000名预登记观展的纸业、印刷、包装企业、厂家的采购负责人或者企业负责人等专业买家及观众提供展期期间酒店住宿或旅游优惠服务,免费获得精美实用的展会会刊、工具书及展览会内部专业活动邀请函.

◆ The work of register will be done by specialize men. Host will provide the service of hotel and travel for coming corporations and buyers for free, provide the beautiful catalogue 、tool’s book and specialize invitation of inner.

◆ 2006PPPE举办时间正值“广交会”期间,享有“中国第一展”美誉的“广交会”,每年参加的采购商大约30多万,来自一百多个国家和地区。我们将通过一系列途径充分借助广交会全球买家的巨大资源,并通过“广交会”客户邀请系统向国内外三十多万采购商发出邀请,与“广交会”完全互动,借势兴展。

◆ Our exhibition will be held on the occasion of “Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair”, which enjoys good reputation in China. About more than 300,000 buyers from more than 100 countries and regions in the world participate it every year, The sponsor will fully draw support from enormous resources of the global buyers of the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair through a series of ways, and invite buyers through " Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair " We will devote more efforts to propagating at the same time.

2006 new technology and new workmanship of print & pack in Asia
2006 top conference of strategic of print & pack (top conference of international marketing)

Exhibit article scope/展品范围

Participation expense/参展费用
? Stall expense/展位收费(双面开口展位加收展位费的10%) 


A 区 标准展位

B 区 标准展位

光 地


CNY7800 元/个

CNY6800 元/个

CNY780 元/㎡


USD2000 元/个

USD1800 元/个

USD200 元/㎡

备注: 标准展位规格为 3m×3m=9㎡,包括三面围板,楣板,两只灯管,一桌两椅、一个220V电源插座;光地36 M 2 起租,不带任何设施,不含特装管理费等费用。


Seat sort

A area Standard Booth

B area Standard Booth

Raw space

Domestic charge

CNY7800/ Booth

CNY6800/ Booth

CNY780/ ㎡

Oversea s charge

USD2000/ Booth

USD1800/ Booth

USD 200 / ㎡

Re: 1, Raw space (min 36 sq.m.) exhibitors are required to build your own booth , The participation rate is not included the management/electricity/water fee.

2, Standard Booth size should be 3 m× 3 m , includ ing: Two chairs, one square table , three boarding walls , one lintel board, carpet ed floor , two daylight lamp,

备注: 标准展位规格为 3m×3m=9㎡,包括三面围板,楣板,两只灯管,一桌两椅、一个220V电源插座;光地36 M 2 起租,不带任何设施,不含特装管理费等费用。 

? proceeding advertisements/ 会刊广告

(会刊为进口铜板纸彩色精印,会刊尺寸: 210mm×142.5mm)  

封面 ¥ 20000元

封二封三¥ 12000元

扉页 ¥ 8000元

黑白页¥ 3000元

封底 ¥ 18000元

彩页跨版¥ 10000元

彩页 ¥ 6000元


Inside front cover
Head page
Inside pages
¥ 20000
¥ 12000
¥ 8000
¥ 3000
Back cover
color page center spread
color plate
¥ 18000
¥ 10000
¥ 6000
¥ 1000

? Other ads/ 其它广告  

拱门:¥ 6000元/个

汽球:¥ 3000元/个

彩旗:¥ 300元人民币/面

条幅:¥ 3000元/条

门票:¥ 5000元/万张

花篮:¥ 200元人民币/ 个

请柬:¥ 8000元/万张

礼仪小姐:¥ 180元/人/天

手提袋:¥ 10000元/2仟个

colorful flag
¥ 6000 /each
¥ 3000/each
¥ 300/each
Ten thousand Tickets
Flower basket
¥ 3000/each
¥ 5000
Ten thousand invitations
One waitress
Two thousand handbags
¥ 8000
¥ 180/ per/ day
¥ 10000

? Product technology Release Conference /产品技术发布会

每场 6000元人民币/1小时 ( 提供场地、灯光、音响、桌椅等设施)。

¥ 6000/hour once (We can provide necessary equipments such as place, lights,sound,desk and chairs)

? Meeting fee/ 会务费

¥ 580 元 / 人(包括纪念品 、展期午餐、饮料、大会资料等)。

¥ 580/per.(Including keepsake, lunch, drink and information)

? Sponsor/ 赞 助、协办


¥ 100,000 (For the purpose of showing your enterprise's images, our exhibition institutes the sponsor regulations. Information available

Exhibition schedule/ 展会日程

布展时间: 2006 年 4 月 21—22 日

Move-in at the venue : April 21-22, 2006

展出时间: 2006 年 4 月 23—25 日

Exhibit time: : April 23-25, 2006

撤展时间: 2006 年 4 月 25 日下午

Dismantling : The afternoon of April 25, 2006

Target visitors/ 目标观众

● 南方九省及东南亚地区的印刷厂、印刷包装厂、纸品包装厂、输出中心、制作中心、广告公司、出版社、礼品公司、终端用户 ( 日化企业、服装企业等 )

● The printing mil 、 packing mill 、 paper packing mill 、 center of export 、 center of produce 、 advertise company 、 press public 、 present company 、 end users etc

● 中国印刷包装设备及印刷包装原辅材料领域的供应商、大型代理商、 9+2 区域代理商

● The suppliers 、 agents 、 agents of “9+2 districts” of equipments and material of print & pack in china

● 亚洲各国从事以上领域的贸易商、进出口商

● Tardiness man and import & export man in other countries of Asia


The general managers 、 general operators 、 checking of print & pack 、 design of packing 、 sourcing department etc.

Participation Procedure/ 参展说明

•  参展单位请详细填写《参展申请表》,负责人签名、加盖公章后传真至组委会。报名后七天内将参展费用一次性(或 50%定金)汇入大会组委会指定账号,从而确定展位,余款于2006年3月18日前付清。

Please complete and sign the Application Contract and return it to the Organizer. Within 7 working days after your entering for the exhibition, exhibitors should pay 50% of the total cost as deposit to the Organizer. The remaining balance should be paid off before March 18, 2006. Otherwise, the Organizer will not ensure the confirmed space for exhibitors. 2After receiving the Application Contract, the Organizer will allot space in accordance with the exhibits type, applying order and the applied acreage, and then send a space confirmation to the exhibitor.

•  展位、广告等由组委会统一安排。分配原则是:“先申请、先付款、先分配”,协办单位可优先安排。组委会将保留最终调整展位的权利。

The committee will arrange space and advisements according to the principle “first applied, first paid and first allotted. The co-organizer may have the priority to be arranged. The Organizer reserves the rights to adjust space according to the interest of the exhibition.

•  参展商在汇出各项费用后,请即日将银行汇单复印传真至组委会,以便核查。发票到展会现场由组委会财务统一开取或根据其要求寄给其公司。若中途退展,所交展费不退。若因不可抗力因素 (如战争、自然灾害、疫情、行政命令等)导致展会停办,双方不再行展会合同,不追究对方违约责任,组委会仅退回参展商已交费用。

The exhibitor must fax your copy of bank craft to the Committee on this day after remitting every expense. Our financial affairs will give invoice to you at the spot of the exhibition. If your company withdraws the exhibition midway, the deposit shall not be refunded. If we meet with the force majeure factor (such as war, natural calamity, epidemic situation, administrative decree) which causes the exhibition to close down. Both sides no longer fulfill their commitments. The committee only returns the exhibitor expense that is paid

•  组委会于会期前一个月将《参展通知书》、《参展手册》(有关日程安排、展品运输、酒店接待、展台设计搭建、物品租用与服务以及签证申请等信息)寄、送或电邮至各参展商。

After receiving the deposit, the Organizer will send Exhibitor's Manual; the Organizer will send Participation Notice after receiving the total amount of exhibition cost. Please see details in Exhibitor's Manual such as transporting exhibits, move in, move out, hotel information, visa application and etc.

•  欲参加本届展会,请来电联系我们索取参展合同表及展位布置图。

For this exhibition, please ask for the details by telephone.




地址:广州市大金钟路 85号801室(510405)

电话: +86-20-6263 4518 6263 4588

传真: +86-20-6263 4599

E-mail : info@fce.cn

联系人:杨先生 13556031997

苏小姐 13710833855

