INX International debuts two new metal decorating inks


  Further enhancing a well deserved reputation for product quality and superior service that ranks them as a leader in the 3-piece metal decorating market, INX International has recently introduced a pair of new inks.  TP UV Fusion™ is the first UV hybrid low migration ink available in the market for 3-piece metal decorating, and the TP LEC base system of thermoset inks represents the latest in high quality, earth friendly products.

  TP UV Fusion™ hybrid inks are specifically formulated for indirect food packaging applications that require low migration and low odor inks.  These unique inks conform to Nestle requirements for packaging inks and qualify for the ASA Soy Ink Seal as they are environmentally friendly without VOC solvents, in addition to being both ITX and Benzophenone free.  With exceptional adhesion to a wide variety of base coated metal substrates, TP UV Fusion offers excellent press stability and color balance that is comparable to the best conventional litho inks on the market.

  Known for its outstanding Research & Development capabilities and success over the years, INX as part of the development process had an independent laboratory conduct a migration analysis on these hybrid inks.  The lab confirmed the migration limit of 10ppb in 95% ethanol, with the overall migration conditions selected according to the requirements specified in Directive 85/572/EC. 

  The sample material was exposed to 95% ethanol for 10 days at 40° Celsius.  It was determined the overall migration values were far below the limit of 10 mg/dm?, and by using LC-MS/MS no photo initiators or acrylates were detectable.  By using GC-MS, no significant identified signals above 10ug/kg (10 ppb) were observed.

  The TP LEC base system thermoset inks for 3-piece metal decorating are formulated for fast make-ready and low temperature bake.  With outstanding printability, these bright, low energy cure inks offer excellent adhesion and fabrication and abrasion resistance, while producing good gloss and a clean, sharp image.  An environmentally conscious product, nearly one-fifth of the LEC base system consists of soy and vegetable oil contents and is formulated VOC free.


