PIA announces 2011 officers, board of directors

  Pittsburgh-based Printing Industries of America installed its 2011 officers and board of directors November 14, 2010, at PIA’s Fall Administrative Meetings in San Francisco.

  Chairman of the board: Michael Keene, CEO of John Roberts Co. in Minneapolis.

  First vice chairman: Laura Lawton-Forsyth, president of Lawton Printing, Inc., Spokane, WA.

  Second vice chairman: Timothy J. Burton, president and chairman of Burton & Mayer Inc. in Menomonee Falls, WI.

  Secretary: Jeff Ekstein, president and CEO of Willow Printing Group in Concord, Ontario, Canada.

  Treasurer:  Hal Slager of Trico Graphics Inc. in Chicago, a continued term.

  Immediate past chairman:  William J. Gibson of Trico Graphics Inc.

  Also joining the board of directors in 2011 are Darrel Dundore of Astro-Dynamic Print & Graphic Services; Jeff Stoudt of The Printing Industry of the Carolinas Inc.; Jay Goldscher of The Whitmore Group; Mike Wurst of Henry Wurst, Inc.; and John Bell of The Ovid Bell Press.


[时间:2010-11-18  来源:必胜网]
