Appleton Coated announces “U360” award winners

  Kimberly, WI-based Appleton Coated announces the 2010 winning entries to the U360 Design Competition. This year's competition included new honors for “Best of Show,” “Communication Excellence,” “Design Excellence,” Print Excellence,” and four “Regional Recognition” Awards.

  Diversified Graphics, a Bolger Company (Minneapolis) took “Print Excellence” honors for design firm JWT’s entry, “JWT TicToc, a collection of JWT Work,” which also won the “Design Excellence” award. “Best of Show” honors went to “37 or so Ingredients,” an entry printed by Paragraphics (San Rafael, CA).

  "Overall, there is a move towards a more understated, refined feel," says Kathleen Turaski, co-founder and principal of Resonance Marketing (Decatur, GA), and one of the judges in the competition. "The design itself can't feel too complicated or expensive, yet there is a need to feel different, to stand out, and to make the piece feel special and distinct." She adds that the entries used "spot UV gloss, blind emboss or deboss to give additional texture or contrast to the printed material." She cautions, "The special finishes are more likely to get someone's attention, yet are understated and don't compete with the message. There is so much competition for attention, and the designer knows they've got a limited amount of time to inspire the reader."

  Each winning selection is printed all, or in part, on Utopia and/or Curious Collection papers. View all the winners at, in the U360 section. Entries for the 2011 U360 Competition are being accepted through December 10, 2010.

[时间:2010-10-28  来源:必胜网]
