Research shows which UK print firms are in trouble

  A Plimsoll Publishing product story  Edited by the Printingtalk editorial team Aug 23, 2010

  According to the findings of new research, there is a real mixture of company performance among UK printing firms.

  Providers of the research, Plimsoll Publishing, said that its results indicate that with 304 companies in trouble, 271 others doing well and a further 282 set to be taken over, the market has never been more fragmented.

  David Pattison, author of the new "Plimsoll Analysis - Printers" report, explained: 'Having rated 304 struggling companies as at danger and given 271 others have a strong rating, I am surprised at the gulf in performance in the market.

  Despite all other factors, success still comes down to how well a company is run.

  When asked what the consequences of this polarisation in the market will be, Pattison added: 'The market for acquisitions in the current economic climate cannot support so many companies.

  There has to be further, more radical consolidation in the market.

  Strong companies will be buying up distressed competitors in the next 12 months.

  Plimsoll analysed the top 982 companies in the market and the report also provides a regional breakdown of how many have been rated as strong, in danger or exposed to takeover.

  hat way, claimed the company, users of the report would be able to tell which companies are prospering in the post recession market place, those set to be bought out and those heading for trouble - across the whole of the market and in the individual regions.

  It gives a performance rating on 982 companies and highlights those ripe for acquisition.

[时间:2010-09-21  来源:必胜网]
