Russian Printing Industry Development Trend Update

  With different nations’ economy trapped into recession, people have begun to look into those markets which had made growth at present or may have growth in the future.

  Russia is such a market with its very rapid market economy development, the growth rate of GDP maintained above 7% for five consecutive years. The country's economy is very dependent on crude oil and mineral resources, and gained huge profits from these raw materials year after year. More recently, with the dropping prices of natural resources, the Russian economy has also suffered a heavy blow, but because of market demand for natural resources is growing, we have reason to believe that Russia's economy will soon take to the track of rapid development once again.

  Printing is not Russia's pillar industry, and due to enormous cultural differences between it and other countries, which affect their development of the printing industry. For distance, Russia's advertising expenditure is much lower than Western European countries. In 2006, per capita advertising expenditures of Russia is 46 Euros (43 pounds), considerably lower than per capita 173 Euros in Italy、per capita 209 Euros in Germany and per capita 300 Euros in the United Kingdom. TV ads is the largest proportion in all ads spending, while the print is more rearward on the ranking, the main reason for the situation is the low circulation of Russian newspapers and magazines.

  One difference Russia distinguish from other countries is mainly reflected in the direct mail market, service level of the Russian postal system is relatively lower, credit card use is also not universal, so customers of the financial information and billing is relatively limited. Nevertheless, the Russian people still love reading books and magazines, which will promote market growth.

  Seize the opportunities in Russia

  Currently, Russia owns around 5000-7000 printing companies (there were 12,200 printing enterprises in the United Kingdom in 2008), but only a few hundred companies have maintained good operating condition, and most are located in the vicinity of Moscow or St. Petersburg. Annual turnover of Russian printing enterprises is around three billion U.S. dollars, printing imports amounted to one billion U.S. dollars (has doubled since 2004), while the vast majority of imports are from Europe (the United Kingdom are Russia’s ninth large print importing country in 2007).

  It's no wonder the printing equipment and software manufacturers put Russia as a full of opportunities and growth potential market. At the same time, a lot of the Russian printing factories all hope that more advanced technology to manage and develop their own enterprises. Russian printing workers’ average annual income is only £ 17,000, while the digital technology is able to increase that figure to double. Digital printing assumed the important task to revitalize the Russian printing industry 10 years ago, and has made considerable development in the recent years. Although the Russian government also has a certain number of printing enterprises, they exist inefficient problem, and many have been transformed into private enterprises.

  Another factor that promotes the development of Russian digital printing industry is the reduced volume of live ware printed matter. American InfoTrends Company found in a survey that only less than 20% of the printing live ware of the printing quantity exceeds more than 2000 pieces. The same is true to the offset field, only 18.8% of the printing live ware exceeds more than 2000 pieces at present. With the changes in the structure of printing, digital printing has become the ideal selection for a lot of live ware.

  In addition, Russia is also existing large differences from Western European countries in the printing applications. In Russia, brochures and flyers are the most common printing matter, followed by business cards, letterheads and forms. The prosperity and development of private sector stimulate their strong demand for office-related supplies. Russian printing factories more focused on low-profit live wear, and missed opportunities for the development of value-added services.

  Despite the economic environment is still possible to bring some problems to the Russian printing industry in the next few months, but in long-term perspective, its development prospects are still very positive. A lot of new printing applications have just started landing the Russian market, and along with the growth of wealth, the country's market demand for e-mail, magazines, photos and other products will also be increased. Of course, Russia's ad spending is expected to achieve faster growth. In the past few years, Russian printing plants have been unable to meet domestic market demand, which directly led to the surge in import volume printing. Although Russian printing factories are trying to improve their production, the growth rate of the domestic market also will speed up overseas suppliers to bring valuable opportunities. We believe that Russia will become a bright pearl in world's printing market.

[时间:2010-08-26  来源:必胜网]
