Newspaper Center - and Third Fold with many versions

  Today’s newspaper rotaries lay out their end-products in the Rhenish or Berlin format and these formats are exactly right for the subscribers or the kiosk.

  However, the newspaper publisher could not only look to the standard. He needs to arrange, for example, that the subscriber is able to read his newspaper in the beach chair, when he is on holiday. Forwarding into holidays occurs in center- or third fold.

  Factory equipment for newspaper center- alternatively third fold depends on many demands.

  Daily-or weekly newspaper,Circulation

  The machine configuration for newspaper center- alternatively third fold defines the available time after printing.

  Herzog + Heymann versions are extremely multifunctional; output is settled in the area of 10.000 to 18.000/h. Because center- and third fold is used normally only for partial circulations, this output will be enough for many newspapers.
And also the question for a backup machine can be answered easier with a financial cheaper system.

  Inline-, Offline production

  Due to the range of capacity of Herzog + Heymann systems you could only think about an offline production. 

  Center fold

  There will be two versions of center folds. The simple one contains a drum feeder, cross-fold unit and a flat track delivery unit. Very simple to handle, with neglected setting-up times and with a technical output of max. approx. 15.000/h. Practical outputs lie between 10.000-12.000/h.

  Machine equipment for center fold of 64-page newspaper: Drum feeder, X-Knife unit, transfer unit for assembling a shingle for flat track delivery.

  Piles from the rotary could not be piled directly into the drum feeder. They must be straighten out before manually.


  Handling of finished products is much better, if the newspaper products are pressed. As far as this will not occur through bunching, flat track delivery or flat pile feeder could be equipped with press rollers.

  Second version is belt plough fold. Hereby approx. 18.000 to 20.000 products/h will be realised theoretical with same personnel costs.

  Belt guided plough fold for center- and third fold.

  In order to receive with plough fold a better folding quality, the belt guided plough fold requires a creasing station. With this speed, feeding and delivering should be automated.

  With use of reel puffer systems deshingling occurs before creasing with a H+H transfer unit.

  Another transfer unit will be used, if after plough fold, the single product for the delivery unit must assemble into a shingle stream again.

  Third fold
  Third fold is necessary, if you must bring the product to a third of the format for dispatch, as it will leave the rotary.

  To this, two sequent belt guided plough folds are necessary – right and left plough fold.

  Rotation feeder, creasing station, two belt guided plough fold for third fold.

  Advertising booster

  In order to boost the product newspaper in opposite to the internet, it is possible to upgrade the newspaper by advertising booster. There is no electronic medium which obtains the advertising efficiency of labelled products like sandwich labels, booklets or CD´s. A labelled booklet awakes additional interest. You could reach with advertising booster a specific clientele.

  Herzog + Heymann provide for all required exercises suitable additional aggregates.

  Third fold newspaper product with labelled booklet. Instead of the booklet you could also label a CD with or without cover.


  If necessary, an address personalisation is required for dispatch of the newspaper to the holiday resort of the
subscriber,  this could occur on low-priced transport systems. On this transport system, we could make superstructures for personalising, labelling and dispensing.

[时间:2010-01-08  来源:MBO]
