Fujifilm develops XMF Remote web portal

    Fujifilm Europe has introduced XMF Remote, a web portal and soft-proofing module to complement the company's XMF cross-media workflow.

    XMF Remote allows a printer to offer additional online services to its clients.

    These include the ability for clients to pre-flight and submit jobs online and, once in production, to review, annotate and approve jobs and receive real-time notification of the job status.

    XMF Remote also helps printers to improve their operational efficiency, speeding up job hand-off, review, correction and turn-around, claimed Fujifilm.

    Features include online job submission via a web portal, which can be customised with the client's branding, where users can upload production jobs as single or multiple files.

    Pre-flighting commences as soon as the files are received, and the client can view a detailed pre-flight report and a production-ready version of the job.

    Any errors listed in the pre-flight report can be corrected by the originator and new versions uploaded.

    XMF Remote is a print production tool that allows printers' clients to view the RIP pages for approval - what clients see online are the pages that have been through the RIP process via the Adobe PDF Print Engine within XMF.

    Annotation tools are provided in the web portal window.

    Multiple reviewers can comment on jobs and see other comments, enabling comparisons of the latest and previous revisions for confirmation of changes, with the option to automate the notification of approval status and set reminders by email.

    Once a job is approved, XMF Remote can be configured to directly notify pre-press operators or to automatically add the job to the appropriate queue for hardcopy proofing or final output.

    John Davies, workflow business manager for Fujifilm Europe, said: 'XMF Remote allows printers to expand the client services they offer through a simple but extremely powerful tool.

    'More online job submission is high on a printer's wish list when looking for a new workflow system as it allows much greater interaction with the customer and can make the whole process much more efficient, saving time and ultimately money.

    'If you can get print-ready jobs coming in, you can get more work through the business,' he added.

[时间:2009-07-24  作者:未知  来源:互联网|#]
