
The Second International Forum for the Development of Printing Industry opens today. On behalf of the organizer , Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China, I would like to express our warmest welcome to you all! >>MORE

The Association of German Manufacturers of Printing & Paper Technology has 122 members representing 90 percent of the German machinery manufacturers for the printing and paper industry and covering the total value chain from papermaking to paper converting, printing and postpress processes. Total sales of our industry amounted to approx. 8 billion Euros in 2008; the number of staff is approx. 50,000. With an export share of more than 80 %, Germany is the leading supplier of machines for the printing industry world-wide...MORE
The Italian industry of machinery for graphic, converting and printing counts about 150 industrial-sized companies with a workforce of about 7,200 employees.This industry displays the typical characteristics of advanced Italian mechanics: a few large companies and many medium-size and small firms that have made technological and productive specialisation and flexibility their strongest feature....MORE
The UK printing industry today comprises fewer than 10,000 operating businesses. Indeed some would put that figure as low as 5,000, but if one were to include all those businesses that print in some way, and those that have printing departments, the figure comes closer to 10,000....MORE

美国 Ralph J. Nappi

南非 CWJ Sykes

“ 世界上并不是最强大的物种,也不是最聪明的物种才能活下去,而是最能适应改变的物种才能生存。”虽然金融危机对美国的很多行业造成创伤,但是对于美国印刷界,目前仍然面临着六大机遇,这就是:世界、数码和包装、 辅助设施、综合通信服务、持续的产品和服务以及RFID 和电子印刷。未来印刷不再是头号商业传播途径,如何利用网络、电子、数字化、以及环保手段来重新定义印刷才是未来印刷的发展...详细内容
There are great opportunities in these times, and in the next 12 to 24 months we will be talking about those great success stories that were germinated and nurtured in these current times. I believe Charles Darwin’s 150 year old concept of evolution is another pertinent analogy for our current times. Exactly, two hundred years ago Charles Darwin was born...MORE
South Africa has already lost 130,000 jobs since September 2008 and the latest forecasts are that a further 300,000 jobs may be lost this year. These losses are across all sectors of the economy, but as the printing and packaging industries are inter-dependent on these other sectors, we are already being affected. This, of course, is insignificant compared with the USA where at the beginning of April over 610 000 people per week were losing their jobs – in fact, since December...MORE

印度的印刷工业 Subhash Chander
印度印刷工业目前年增长率12% 。根据 NPES / PRIMIR 报告,印度是世界上增长最快的市场,从2006~2011 年,预计增长率为73%。 印度市场不仅增长快,而且基数大。目前,印度的印刷市场大约为121亿美元,预计2011年将增长到209亿美元。印度出版8000多种日报,还有大量的印度语的周刊、双周刊。...详细内容
The Indian Printing Industry today comprises more than 250,000 big, small and medium printers with a total turnover of more than US $ 12 billion. Almost 75% printing presses are family owned and hence closely held...MORE
Printing was first brought to the Philippines in the year 1597, especially to the Chinese village of Binondo in Manila.At present, the Philippine has more than 5,000 printing establishments, around 3,500 of which are located in Metro Manila, and the rest in key cities and provincial capital. Some 1.5 million person are estimated to be dependent in printing and its allied trade....MORE
In the last decade of the 70’s there are about 1700 printing companies registered by the Indonesia Department of Industry from a total of 15000 company that scattered all over Indonesia. Presently there are about 27000 printing companies of which Indonesia Master Printers Association which now called Indonesia Print & Media Association members are 6,424. About 82% are Small Scale Printing companies,11% are Medium Scale Printing companies,7% are Large Scale Printing’s companies, out of an estimated 21000 companies...MORE
巴基斯坦印刷工业   Mr. Malik Munawar Ahmad
Since for Packaging Industry basic raw material is quality Paper & Paperboard and Packaging Industry with out back up of strong sources of Paperboard can not grow comfortably. I feel pride in sharing that Paper & Paperboard Industry of Pakistan is equipped with the latest plants for Duplex Board, superior quality papers and container boards to meet current and future needs of Printing & Graphic Arts Industry for quality inputs of international standards....MORE
According to industrial statistics by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the shipment value of the printing has decreased from a little under 9 trillion yen in 1997 to 7 trillion yen in 2006. Also the number of enterprises fell from the peak of 48,000 in 1988 to 33,000 in 2006. The shipment value of 2008 has not been announced yet; however it might drop below 7 trillion yen in 2007....MORE
2008年,中国国民经济受到世界经济危机冲击,但依然快速、稳定增长,增长率为9% 。现代印刷是一种为社会全方位服务的加工工业。服务于社会各个领域及每个个人。一个国家印刷总量主要取决于两个因素:该国人口数量以及该国国民经济发展水平。中国印刷工业随着国民经济增长而同步增长。2008年,虽然受到世界经济危机冲击,中国印刷工业依然快速稳定增长,增长率为7.9%。...详细内容
In 2008, the national economy of China was pounded by the world economic crisis, but it still grown rapidly and steadily by the increase rate of 9%.Modern printing is one kind of industry which serve the whole society in every field and the people for every one.The printing industry of China is growing simultaneously with the development of national economy. In 2008, printing in China was also pounded by the world economic crisis, but it still grown rapidly and steadily by the increase rate of 7.9%...MORE
The total Revenue of Korean Printing Industry is increasing annually. Recently it is slow down due to the recession。The revenue of printed materials is about 80% of the total revenue of Korean Printing Industry。The revenue of printing related service is about 20% of the total revenue of Korean Printing Industry。...MORE
Challenges:Increasing International Competition,Limited Domestic Demand ,Promoting Outward Investments by Malaysian Companies,Optimizing Benefit from FTA,Mandatory Standards,Upgrading of Skilled & Qualified Workforce,Research & Development。...MORE
In general, all the printing technologies have the potential markets, only the digital printing, especially ink-jet digital printing will be the most unbelievable technology and have the widest market....MORE

[时间:2009-05-20  来源:必胜网]
