

  1988年——2002年期间,刘晓昆在成都方正任职,从最早的普通技术人员升任为成都方正总 经理,全面负责方正公司在西南区的业务开展。在西南方正任职期间,始终致力于方正核心业务、核心产品(激光照排、出版印刷解决方案、方正硬件产品等)在当地的营销工作,使方正在西南区业务稳步增长。

  2006年3月,刘晓昆又担任了北京北大方正电子有限公司董事长兼总裁。方正电子是方正集团旗下最核心的企业,是方正集团的发源企业,主要面向全球报业、出版、印刷、广播电视领域,提供先进的产品和综合解决方案。王选教授的激光照排技术就是在这间企业诞生、推广,走向市场,实现了“告别铅与火,迎来光与电”的梦想,改写了中国印刷的历史。2007年,方正电子对外发布了方正自主品牌的计算机直接制版机——雕龙CTP,这一举措是在刘晓昆的主导下实现的,实现了王选教授在有生之年未尽的十个梦想之一——“发展激光直接制版,告别软片”(即CTP)。 “方正雕龙”等多项研发产品和解决方案的问世续写着方正在印刷领域的创新篇章。


  Liu Xiaokun
  Vice President of Founder Group
  President and CEO of Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd
  1982 graduated from Automatic Control specialty of Harbin Engineering University. Gained his master degree in Enterprise Management in 1998.

  Working experience:
  Joined Founder in 1988, and has worked there over 20 years. Grows and develops together with the company, and now is working as a high-ranking manager in Founder.

  1988-2002, worked at Chengdu Founder. Firstly worked as common technical personnel and then was promoted as the General Manager, in charge of all the business in Southwest district. While working in Southwest Founder, he devoted himself to the marketing of Founder’s core business and products, like laser imagesetting system, printing solutions as well as Founder hardware products, making a steady growth in southwest business.

  Transferred  to the Beijing headquarters in January 2002. Doubled as President and CEO of Beijing Founder Century Information System Co., Ltd, taking charge of domestic distribution business and bringing Founder’s distribution business from in a initial stage to a steadily developing stage and then a highly developing stage.

  After years of hard work, Founder Century has become one of the most influential IT distribution agencies domestically, and the most important partner and  premier sales channel of many world-renowned IT companies, such as HP, Huawei-3com, Apple, IBM, CommScope. Now with 20 subsidiaries, Founder Century has established its multi-dimensional channel distribution systems including over 1000 dealers, covering 30 Provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. 

  Then doubled as the President and CEO of EC-Founder Co., Ltd., as well as the President and CEO of Beijing Founder Order Computer System Co., Ltd. These two companies are committed to providing professional integration solutions and service involving information systems to industries including financial, government, public security, education and etc.

  In March 2006, worked as the President and CEO of Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd (Founder Electronics). Founder Electronics is one of the core subsidiaries of the Founder Group, providing advanced products and comprehensive solutions to a wide range of industries worldwide including newspapers, commercial publishing, printing, broadcasting and TV. Prof. Wang Xuan’s laser imagesetting technology, which initiated a historical revolution in the Chinese publishing and printing industries, marking a farewell to molten lead and fire of Chinese publishing and printing industries, pushed forward the birth and development of Founder Electronics, as well as its entering of global market. In 2007, led by Mr. Liu, Founder Electronics launched its self-branded CTP—Founder Eagle CTP, fulfilled one of Prof. Wang Xuan’s “10 Unfulfilled Dreams” in his lifetime. The research and development of Founder Eagle CTP and solutions are turning out a new chapter for Founder in the field of publishing and printing.

  Serving Founder for over 20 years, witnessed and participated in the growth and development of the company, Mr Liu is passionate for Founder’s business and the industries involved. Having been in charge of couples of business in the Founder Group, namely, district business, software, system integration, channel distribution, he calculated rich experience in enterprise management, human resource development, industry awareness, and etc.

[时间:2009-05-20  作者:刘晓昆  来源:必胜网]
