MAN Roland Sends Double Love and Help to Victims in China Earthquake

  May 12, 2008, has become the most devastating day for everyone across China. A magnitude 8 earthquake has wiped out many places in Sichuan province. Tens of thousands people died. Desperate cry for help is echoed everywhere. This is a national disaster. Millions of people have lost their loved ones and become homeless. They desperately need help. Staff members at MAN Roland China offices, of course, are feeling the sorrows and pains. Our team throughout China also shows our compassion for the victims through the “One-Heart-Double-Love Fund-raising Campaign”.

  The situation is still extremely volatile and dangerous. Victims need help NOW! The “One-Heart-Double-Love Campaign” is a joint effort by MAN Roland’s and its staff to offer help to victims. For every dollar donated by our staff, the company will donate two dollars. The fund raised will be sent to designated charity organizations. MAN Roland is therefore doubling the gift sent by our staff. We hope we can help the Chinese government to save as many lives as we can. We wish we can bring love and hope to the victims who have lost their families and homes.

  It has been over a week since the quake struck. We are still seeing “miracles” each day. It shows the strength and determination of lives in China. MAN Roland is pleading everyone to help, either by donation or by any other means. We wish our help can help millions of victims to reborn and rebuild their homes as soon as they can!

[时间:2008-05-23  作者:曼罗兰  来源:必胜]
