Stora Enso sets a CO2 reduction target

  Stora Enso has published today its CO2 reduction target of 20% by 2020 in its Annual Report for 2007. The target covers Stora Enso’s direct CO2 emissions from production as well as indirect emissions from purchased electricity and heat. The baseline year for the target is 2006.

  At the same time Stora Enso presents the results of its carbon footprint study. In addition to direct CO2 emissions from production units and indirect emissions from purchased electricity and heat the study also covers outsourced activities such as transportation and harvesting. Stora Enso’s carbon footprint study follows the widely accepted protocol set out by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

  “Defining the carbon footprint is the first step in identifying business case opportunities to reduce emissions. We have now taken our commitment to the next level by setting a reduction target”, says Eija Pitkänen, Head of Sustainability at Stora Enso. 

  It is anticipated that the reduction will be primarily achieved through improvements in energy efficiency as well as increased use of biomass instead of fossil fuels.

  Stora Enso’s Annual Report 2007 which contains more information on the CO2 reduction target and the results of the carbon footprint study is available at

  For further information, please contact:
Eija Pitkänen, Head of Sustainability, tel. +358 2046 21348
Marjaana Luttinen, Vice President, Environment Finland, tel. +358 2046 33637
Kenneth Collander, Vice President, Environment Sweden, tel. +46 1046 71045

  Previous press releases concerning the Group’s actions to mitigate climate change are available at

  - 5 November 2007: Stora Enso invests to improve energy efficiency and cost leadership at mills in Belgium and Germany - Group takes further steps to help to mitigate climate change
  - 4 October 2007: Stora Enso best paper company in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index
  - 19 June 2007: Stora Enso invests in its Mills in Sweden and Finland
  - 16 March 2007: Stora Enso and Neste Oil to join forces in biofuel development

[时间:2008-03-17  作者:佚名  来源:斯道拉恩索]
