








  China's slowdown 
  China, according to the panglossian scenario, will save the world by buying up all the goods cash-strapped Americans can no longer afford. Recent data, however, suggest the reverse may be the case. Has China finally succeeded in applying the brakes at the worst possible moment for the global economy?

  December export growth decelerated to 22 per cent year-on-year, compared with 26 per cent for the full year. The year-end contraction in credit was even steeper. Just RMB87bn of new loans were made in November and RMB48bn in December 2007, the latter representing just over 1 per cent of the full year's new loan book. Clearly China's efforts to cool the economy are starting to bite. No wonder. Ordering banks to stop lending is a remarkably effective way of reining in loan growth, even if it does little to curtail investment.

  For that very reason, however, the risks of over-shooting are mild: policy measures, unlike weak demand, can theoretically be switched off and on at will. The removal of tax rebates on exporters, designed to crack down on energy-intensive, low-value goods, should re-skew export growth rather than curtail it altogether. Data support this. Weaker global demand has crimped growth across the board, but on a quarterly basis, exports of clothing, shoes and steel all fell far more sharply than electrical goods.

  Loan quotas, meanwhile, imply that credit growth will undershoot 2007 but was still robust. So far, barely two weeks into the year, anecdotal evidence suggests loan growth remains feeble. But even if that proves to be the case, it would not necessarily signal a sharp economic slowdown. The potential to access overseas capital markets is underpinned by fat corporate balance sheets. According to Royal Bank of Scotland, around 60 per cent of fixed asset investment in China is financed by self-raised funds.

  Chinese demand will not offset a global slowdown. But the chances of the country skidding to an untimely halt are only marginally less remote.

[时间:2008-01-16  作者:Lex 朱冠华/译  来源:英 金融时报]
