On September 12, 2007, the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association joined the Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation and the Flexographic Technical Association in launching the most ambitious industry project – the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership. With FTA, PIA/GATF and SGIA joining together to create this program, we will be able to offer our members, the industry, and most importantly, the industry’s customer base, a single point of contact for information on sustainability and the printing industry. Development of metrics, benchmarks, and definition of terms used in our industry is critical to the success of this program. And, by working together, there will be consistency in application as well as interpretation.
With the emphasis placed on sustainable business practices by our customer base, the term sustainability carries so much more weight today then it has in the past few years. Yes, a sustainable printer cares about the environment, and now needs to look beyond the door and takes into consideration not only disposal issues, but also takes and considers how the chemicals and substrates used were produced. A daunting task, but one this partnership plans to help address.
On November 27, 2007, a diverse group of individuals representing all print processes, supplier groups, as well as state and federal environmental agencies, environmental groups, and the general public, will meet to begin the process of developing boundaries for the SGP program. Issues surrounding products and process will be discussed and put on the table. Discussions regarding metrics, benchmarks and reporting mechanisms will be addressed.
The goal is ambitious – to have a program ready for launching by March 2008. The time is now for the industry to work together to develop a platform from which to move forward. Because, if we don’t, someone else will. SGIA has formed a working group that will assist in the shaping of this important industry endeavor.
Check out the beginnings of our efforts – www.sgppartnership.org. SGIA’s Board of Directors is committed to moving forward on this journey towards sustainability. And, it is a journey. To quote, Eric Henry of TS Designs, Inc., “…to start this journey off in the right direction it has to become a part of the corporate soul. All businesses know the importance of the single "bottom line," profit, but without incorporating the people and planet aspect sustainability only becomes a marketing scheme and die out. “
[时间:2007-11-23 作者:Marci Kinter 来源:新闻中心]