A Milestone for Specialty Graphics Community

  Walking the busy aisles of the SGIA Expo is always an education, SGIA ’06 was something special. At every turn, in every direction, you could feel the energy and sense the excitement.

  It was a display of well-earned confidence — earned through hard-fought victories — that will lead to even greater success. Our community of specialty graphics manufacturers, suppliers and imagers has made huge strides in the development and use of exciting new technologies.

  The Expo also gave us a glimpse of the future; a bit of insight into the changing dynamics of our community. Suppliers continue to play a huge role in the success of the community: For example, major manufacturers from the document printing and photographic sectors are taking a more active role in specialty graphics, bringing added expertise and broad viewpoints. They will contribute to our already fast rate of change with strong R&D capability and will further “shrink” the planet with their well-established global networks.

  As distributors expand their reach to bring the best mix of equipment and consumables to their customers, and the rate-of-change increases, their valued role as facilitator will be even more important.

  In the past, most technology users joining the SGIA community could be described as imagers in search of markets. Today, more of the technology users joining SGIA are marketers in search of imaging capability. This ever-expanding mix of interests and experience contributes to the creative, problem-solving nature of specialty graphics.

  As SGIA ’06 illustrated, the SGIA community is the place for those maximizing the technologies; for those leading the way to future imaging opportunities. SGIA ’06 was a great indicator that we are moving in the right direction … and it was an Expo that filled us with excitement about the future.

[时间:2006-11-03  作者:佚名  来源:信息中心]
