

Technology: Adventures in a material world证书导师就业推荐

  Advances in materials sciences have lead to the development of better, more environmentally sound and, increasingly



PRIMIR releases digital print megatrends study证书导师就业推荐

  In late 2009, The Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization (PRIMIR) commissioned IT Strategies to investigate the digital printing market and provide insights into why t ...

KBA Rapida 75C struts its stuff at Tempo Grafica in Viamao证书导师就业推荐

  In July last year, just a few weeks after making its Brazilian debut at the Expoprint trade fair in São Paulo, the first KBA Rapida 75C in South America came on stream at Tempo Grafica ...

Signature Offset expands with Goss web press证书导师就业推荐

  Signature Offset brought a Goss web press system into production ahead of schedule in late 2010 to accommodate new newspaper and publication contracts at its brand new facility in Jacksonvill ...


  北京时间2月10日凌晨消息,据美国科技博客TechCrunch报道,消息人士透露,苹果正在考虑允许iPad杂志发行商采用自己的订阅收费方式,但发行商必须同时提供通过iTunes订阅的选项,由用户自行决定采取何种订阅 ...

TUK Systems为小企业推出低价CTP产品证书导师就业推荐

  印度著名的印前和耗材制造商TechNova旗下的TUK Systems公司日前推出了一款专为小型印刷厂而开发的价值99英镑的CTP产品。   这个名为iCtPlate的产品套装中包含10块聚酯印版、iFount以及simplyRIP RIP软件 ...

2011 wage/benefit study released for small, quick printers证书导师就业推荐

  Crouser & Associates Inc. has released its 2011 “Wage and Benefit Study among Small Press and Digital Printers.” This study, conducted in December 2010 among 270 participating companies, is ...

New PRIMIR study underway for 2011 to examine The Future Of Commerical Printing证书导师就业推荐

   In December, at the 2010 PRIMIR Winter Meeting in Boca Raton, Florida, PRIMIR funded a new research study entitled "Evolution of General Commercial Printing: Implications for the Future." ...

InfoTrends releases study on cross-media direct marketing opportunity证书导师就业推荐

  InfoTrends has announced the release of a new multi-client study entitled Capturing the Cross-Media Direct Marketing Opportunity. This study examined how marketing executives are using print ...

KBA to discuss new opportunities, latest technology at Graph Expo证书导师就业推荐

  Dallas-based KBA North America boasts the largest printing press manufacturer booth (1255) at Graph Expo 2010, October 3-6 in Chicago. The company will present its full line of presses for th ...

Survey Conducted by FESPA Predicts Future of Digital Printers证书导师就业推荐

  The Federation of Screen and Digital Printers Associations (FESPA) recently completed a survey and showcased that among 50 countries, the sales revenue of digital printers in the 340 printing ...

CPI warns climate change policies have put UK manufacturing at risk证书导师就业推荐

  The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has said the future of energy-intensive industry in the UK, such as paper manufacturing, is under threat from climate change policies.   CPI mem ...

Kodak GCG boosted by lower raw material prices as group hit with debt restructuring costs证书导师就业推荐

  Kodak has recorded a pre-tax loss of $141m (£88.5m) in its second quarter results, on turnover that fell 11% to $1.6bn.   Revenues at Kodak's Graphic Communications Group (GCG) fell ...

Chinese challenge: Tribute Tuesday 证书导师就业推荐

  Andrew Tribute: global analystI have just returned from a visit to Shanghai where I spoke at the Shanghai International Printing Forum. This was the starting event of the Shanghai Internation ...

PA printer Alcom earns G7 status证书导师就业推荐

  Alcom recently teamed up with Printing Industries of America (PIA)to attain the qualification and implementation of G7 methodology. G7 enables printers to improve the visual similarity betwee ...

New Study Said to Detail Chinese Subsidies to Paper Sector证书导师就业推荐

  Appleton Coated LLC, NewPage Corp. and Sappi Fine Paper North America have commended the Economic Policy Institute for its study, "No Paper Tiger, Subsidies to China's Paper Industry From 2 ...

2003-2009 the export situation of chinese printing industry 证书导师就业推荐

Report on Export and Exhibition Work speech at the exhibition and export work conference of Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China April 2, 2010 Demao Wa ...

Jetstream – Turning Print into Profit证书导师就业推荐

  Rollem describes JetStream as the ultimate finishing system for the digital market and when you examine the potential of the equipment, it is easy to see why. JetStream can be used to slit, t ...


今天投资2015年的胶印机在购买一台新的印刷机时,印刷企业要求印刷机必须满足哪些要求。这不仅包括目前的工作,而且还包括那些会在将来出现的工作。   曼罗兰为每一台平张印刷机提供一个可以进行升级的打包方 ...