E L相关的资料


“Label free(无标签)”还是“free choose label(自由选择标签)”?证书导师就业推荐

“Label free”中文译为“无标签”,即在产品的外包装上不再粘贴带有品牌宣传和产品信息的标签,取而代之的是裸露的PET瓶身和直接加工在瓶身上的装饰技术。在可持续理念越来越深入品牌价值观和消费观的当下,一些头部品牌很早已经开始从包装入手,减少塑料使用,减少标签使用面积,采用更环保的标签材料。



Steve Lee获得斯坦顿•艾利终生成就奖证书导师就业推荐

Steve Lee先生RotoMetrics公司技术副总裁Steve Lee先生获得了由艾利丹尼森公司赞助的斯坦顿•艾利终生成就奖。

曼罗兰美国公司CEO离职 新人选未公布证书导师就业推荐

曼罗兰表示,很快会向外界说明这一次的离职事件以及美国公司现在的状况,同时也表示,接替Vince Lapinski的人选很快会公布。


近日,英国印刷企业Print Expert购进了小森Lithrone LS 529五色印刷机。据悉,这家位于伦敦沃尔瑟姆斯托(Walthamstow)的印

GMC助力Source Link提高市场竞争力证书导师就业推荐

近日,美国一家权威的市场营销服务提供商--- Source Link公司,将GMC软件产品整合到公司现有软件技术平台后,缩减程序开发时间达70%,有效提高了企业的市场竞争力。

FedEx Office Launches Online Print Resource for Large Companies证书导师就业推荐

FedEx Office, an operating company of FedEx Corp., today announced the launch of the FedEx Office Corporate Print S

Agfa Graphics' :M-Press Leopard to be Launched at Fespa Digital证书导师就业推荐

Mortsel, Belgium Demand for the digital capabilities of Agfa Graphics' :M-Press has resulted in the introduction o

Canon and Océ aim to change landscape of printing industry in Korea证书导师就业推荐

Canon and Oc have announced their intention to enter the Korean commercial printing market. Canon Korea can complem

CIE LAB和LCH颜色空间证书导师就业推荐

  CIE LAB   LAB色空间是基于一种颜色不能同时既是蓝又是黄这个理论而建立。所以,单一数值可用于描述红/绿色及黄/蓝色特徽。当一种颜色用CIE L*a*b*时,L* 表示明度值;a*表示红/绿及b*表示黄/蓝值。   ...

CIE LAB、LCH和Eab容差公式证书导师就业推荐

  CIELAB容差公式 CIE LAB盒状容差点击此处查看全部新闻图片   颜色容差主要是针对样品和已知标准颜色测量值的比较,这样可判断样品与标准的接近程度。   CIE LAB容差公式以标准为中心,然后给予个 ...

Crisis! Some Letters in Danger!证书导师就业推荐

  The Federal Language Commission (FLC) has reported that we are in danger of running out of the letters “Z” and “C.”   Harold C. Higginbotham, Federal Language Commissioner—a recent ap ...

Magazine launches outpace closures in 2010证书导师就业推荐

  In 2010, 193 new magazines launched while 176 ceased publication, according to MediaFinder.com ─ the online database of U.S. and Canadian publications. Food magazines topped the list of new ...

Magazine Launches Outnumber Titles Folded in First Nine Months of 2010证书导师就业推荐

  New magazines continued to launch in 2010, with 176 new magazines in the first nine months of 2010, compared with 259 new magazines in the same period of 2009, according to www.mediafinder.co ...

The Label Makers invests in the UK's first Xeikon 3030证书导师就业推荐

  The Label Makers has made its foray into digital print production after investing in the UK's first Xeikon 3030.   The Bradford-based business has signed for the upgraded 330mm web-width ...

Manroland is installing its first 96-page Lithoman S press at German printer Weiss-Druck.证书导师就业推荐

  Manroland is installing its first 96-page Lithoman S press at German printer Weiss-Druck.   The new press, with its 2.86m web width, will be capable of printing more than 4.3m pages per ho ...

Women in Print initiative to be launched at Ipex证书导师就业推荐

  A joint initiative between the BPIF and Heidelberg that aims to connect women in the print industry will be launched at Ipex.   Women in Print is intended to help women working in the prin ...

New battle looms on Australia Post charges 证书导师就业推荐

  Philip Andersen, CEO of Printing Industries says the application sought to increase the basic postage rate (BPR) by 5c, from 55c to 60c, and to increase the prices of large Ordinary Letters, ...

New battle looms on Australia Post charges 证书导师就业推荐

  Philip Andersen, CEO of Printing Industries says the application sought to increase the basic postage rate (BPR) by 5c, from 55c to 60c, and to increase the prices of large Ordinary Letters, ...

Robert Horne launches Revive Honeycomb Board证书导师就业推荐

  Robert Horne has launched Revive Honeycomb Board, a printable display board that is 100% recyclable after use.   The paper merchant said the product is in recognition of the need for a gr ...